We fund research.

Filipa Lynce, MD
Research area: Validation of the Inflammatory Breast Cancer Scoring System
Records from IBC patients both previously and currently treated at Dana Farber Cancer Institute and M.D.Anderson Cancer Center will serve as the patient cohort necessary to validate the various data points in the IBC Scoring System. This grant was given by the IBC Collaborative through SGK’s granting system.

Wendy Woodward, MD
Research area: Validation of the Inflammatory Breast Cancer Scoring System
Records from IBC patients both previously and currently treated at Dana Farber Cancer Institute and M.D.Anderson Cancer Center will serve as the patient cohort necessary to validate the various data points in the IBC Scoring System. This grant was given by the IBC Collaborative through SGK’s granting system.

Mihaela Skobe, PhD
2017 & 2018
Research area: Function of lymphatic vessels in rapid progression of inflammatory breast cancer
The goal of this research funded by IBC Collaborative was to understand how the interactions between triple negative IBC and the lymphatic system influence the aggressiveness of the disease, ultimately providing insight on potential new treatment strategies. Dr. Skobe’s grant was renewed for a second year.

John Martens, PhD
2017 & 2018
Research area: Marker discovery and validation in a prospectively collected IBC cohort (INFLAME)
This project funded by IBC Collaborative combined patient information from an established Dutch IBC registry with the latest genomic technology to improve the diagnosis, monitoring, and treatment of IBC.

Karin List, PhD
Research area: Clinical testing of matriptase as a novel target in inflammatory breast cancer
Funded by IBC Collaborative, this project tested a newly developed drug that inhibits matriptase to determine if the drug can inhibit tumor growth and spread. Plans to also test whether this new drug can be combined with existing FDA-approved therapies to overcome drug resistance.

Robert Schneider, PhD
September 2015 & 2010
Research areas: Translating mTOR and translational regulation to therapy in triple negative inflammatory breast cancer; and identifying potential therapeutic targets in inflammatory breast cancer following neoadjuvant chemotherapy.
Next steps in this work involved studying potential enhancement of radiation by targeted drug inhibition of specific proteins. The second grant award to Dr. Schneider focused on how metastasis might be prevented in IBC, building on his previous work in the lab.

Mark DeWhirst, DVM, PhD
September 2013
Research area: HIF-1 driven therapeutic resistance mechanisms in chest wall recurrences of inflammatory breast cancer (IBC)
This Kathleen Livingston Memorial Grant helped fund a study on the recurrence of cancer in the chest wall (skin metastasis) which is difficult to treat and has significant impact on quality of life. This work has not yet led to definitive answers but was hypothesis generating.

Heather Cunliffe, PhD
September 2015 & 2010
Research area: High-resolution molecular pathology to guide rational therapeutic approaches for triple negative inflammatory breast cancer
Patient tissue samples from the IBCRF BioBank were studied to identify potential targets for treatment. A second grant provided additional funding to secure additional samples to continue the project.

Milan Radovich, PhD
March 2013
Research area: Triple negative IBC next generation sequencing
Next generation sequencing technology allows tumor tissue to be studied at a new level to identify potential treatment targets based on specific mutations found in the cancer.

Deborah Silvera, PhD
February 2013
Research Area: Testing the hypothesis that control of protein synthesis is critically required for progression and maintenance of IBC
Dr. Silvera’s work was built on Dr. Schneider’s project, funded in 2010, that explored the role of protein synthesis in IBC.

Beth Overmoyer, MD
September 2011
Research area: Validation of Jak2 as a novel therapeutic target in triple negative inflammatory breast cancer
This work progressed to a clinical trial using a Jak/STAT inhibitor in a clinical trial for IBC. However, the compound used in the trial did not provide disease control and this target is no longer considered valid for IBC treatment.

Bryan P. Schneider, MD
September 2009
Research area: Next-generation whole transcriptome sequencing in triple-negative inflammatory breast cancer to comprehensively identify novel therapeutic targets
Identifying new potential targets for treatment in this aggressive form of IBC should lead to improved outcomes. Additional research is ongoing following these initial studies.

Diane Palmieri, PhD
August 2009
Research area: Development of mouse models of Inflammatory Breast Cancer Brain Metastasis
Through this research, one successful model of brain metastasis was developed that has been used for studies.