Self-care and Management of Skin Metastasis in Inflammatory Breast Cancer

Our speaker is Laurie Bayer, PA-C, Clinical Director at Brigham & Women’s Hospital Wound Cancer Center/Ambulatory Treatment Room. Laurie is also Chief Physician Assistant, Wound Center Associate in Surgery.
After many years of talking with metastatic Inflammatory Breast Cancer patients at conferences and via survey, we learned there were IBC topics that were not being addressed by other organizations. This webinar, produced for Inflammatory Breast Cancer Research Foundation, focuses on the challenges of living with skin metastasis. We heard from patients that while their doctor focused on how to treat the cancer, little attention was given to the problems associated with the actual skin issues. Laurie put together a wonderful program that deals with the challenges facing patients with open wounds. She covers types of dressings, care and cleaning, as well as potential problems. A word of warning…the wound photos used in the presentation may be difficult for some to see. However, skin metastasis are a difficult subject and the photos are needed to illustrate the topic.
Running time: 38 minutes, 51 seconds
Editor’s note: if you are running a VPN (virtual private network) on your device, you may have to temporarily disconnect it to watch the video).